Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Day at Clement Park

We decided to take Wyatt to the park. He had a great time and Moriah loved basking in the sun.
Moriah and Daddy

Wyatt enjoyed the slide but it took a little coaxing at first

Aunt Nikki, Uncle Shawn and cousin Mollie came to play with us

and so did Grammy.
As you can tell, Wyatt does not really like the swings yet.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Best Big Brother Ever

I have decided Wyatt is the best big brother EVER. He is soooo sweet to Moriah. He is always giving her hugs and kisses. Wyatt was at the hospital when Moriah was born and he was able to see her almost immediately. The first thing he did was give her a kiss. It was one of the best moments of my life.

The next day at the hospital

Wyatt holding his little sister for the first time, with an assist from Grammy.

There's nothing better than getting a Wyatt kiss.

We put Moriah down for some tummy time and Wyatt immediately went and laid down next to her. It was so adorable.

Wyatt, Daddy and Moriah
Wyatt and Mommy.

Moriah Meets the Family

Everyone was excited to meet Moriah. Grammy and Grandpa John, Grandma Lee, Aunt Hannah and Uncle Ross, Aunt Nikki and Cousin Mollie were all at the hospital with Wyatt waiting for Moriah to make her appearance.

Cousin Mollie
Grandma Lee and Moriah
Grammy and Moriah
Grandma Lee, Aunt Nikki and Moriah
Aunt Cassandra and Moriah. My brother, John, and sister, Hannah, were in town for a week and luckily Moriah decided to arrive while they were here. I am so glad that Moriah got to meet her Uncle John and Aunt Cassandra, and Aunt Hannah and Uncle Ross.
Grandpa Bob and Moriah
Opa, Omi, Aunt Rachel, Wyatt and Moriah
Aunt Rachel and Moriah

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Moriah Rose Vansyoc

I woke up around at around 5:30 on April 13th and almost immediately had a contraction. It was strong and painful. A few minutes later I had another strong contraction. By 7:30 the contractions were 3 minutes apart and over a minute long. We decided it was time to call the doctor. By 8 we were at the hospital. My Mom, my sister, Hannah, and her husband, Ross, came to the hospital to watch Wyatt. Jason and Ross gave me a blessing. I was so nervous and excited. We were trying for a VBAC after I had a Wyatt via c-section. Around 10 I got an epidural. The pain I was feeling stopped...and so did my contractions. For about 6 hours my contractions were almost non-existent. Then, around 4, I started laying on my other side. The contractions started again and by 5:30 I was dilated to 9.5cm. At 6:25 Moriah Rose Vansyoc came into the world. She weighed 8lbs and 2oz. She was 20.5inches long. Wyatt loves his little sister so much. He is constantly giving her kisses and hugs. He is so sweet to her. I am so grateful for my wonderful husband and amazing kids.

Moriah has an amazing set of lungs

Our first family picture. Please pardon my hair.

My first picture with Moriah

I finally fixed my hair

My sleeping angel

Our happy family
My kiddos are amazing. I love them sooooo very much.

Wyatt is so wonderful with Moriah
Being a mom is the most amazing job I have ever had. I love being able to stay home and take care of my two little angels. I am so grateful for Jason, who shows me great love and support.