I can't believe my little boy is two years old. I remember his birth like it was yesterday
. I had been up all night having contractions. Around 4am we arrived at the hospital and I had Wyatt at 10:03pm. It was the longest
day of my life, but it was also one of the happiest days of my life.

For Wyatt's birthday we decided to have a small party with our family. We are in the process of moving so our apartment is a mess, so we decided to have the party at Leawood Park. Grammy and Grandpa got to the park and found the picnic tables were a disaster. They cleaned the tables, sprayed for bees and picked up trash. They were awesome!!! Soon Omi and Opa arrived with Aunt Rachel.
Wyatt loves his Aunt Rachel. Every time he sees her he runs up to her and gives her a great big hug. Halmoni, Great-Grandma Shirley, Uncle Shawn, Aunt Nikki and cousin Mollie came.

Shawn wascarrying a HUGE present and Nikki had their new dog,
Daisy, in tow. We had a delicious lunch: Chick-fil-a, fruit and potato salad. As soon as the food came out so did the bees. After lunch the kiddos played on the playground for a while.

Then it was time for presents. Our family is so generous. Wyatt loved opening presents. My favorite part was seeing him turn to the person who got him a present and say "Thank You". (What made it even better was that he did it without being prompted.) He got a Patio Cafe from Halmoni, GrandBob, Uncle Shawn and Aunt Nikki. From Grammy and Grandpa he got a Buzz Lightyear and Woody. From Omi and Opa Wyatt got a baseball glove and ball, a spiderman blowup punching bag and some clothes. He loved everything and has been playing with it all ever since opening it. 

Later that day Wyatt, Moriah, Jason and I went swimming with Rachel and Opa. It was so much fun. Then we had dinner with them. Wyatt fell asleep before 7pm. He was exhausted but he had a great day and an amazing birthday.