These are some of my favorite pictures from the last four months. It has been such a joy to have Wyatt in our family. He is such a sweet baby. Sometimes he looks at me and then he smiles. That moment makes everything worthwhile. For me, there is nothing better than being a mom to Wyatt and a wife to Jason. I love them both so much.

I took this picture with my phone while we were at the grocery store. He was giving me this intense stare. I thought it was really cute, but I think he was trying to be mad at me.
Oh, and, this bear suit is soooo cute. He looks like a little ewok. We were at a doctor's office today and all the women working there were standing around us, gushing about how cute he was and how cute his little outfit was.
Wyatt in his Hawaiian shirt chillin with his daddy

One of Wyatt's first smiles. His smile will melt any heart. (He is already a lady killer. I think it is just going to get worse as he gets older.)

A few seconds later Wyatt woke up and he was not happy that I was taking his picture.

Sleeping at the hospital.

Wyatt and Grandma

Wyatt and Halmoni (Korean for Grandma)

Wyatt with Uncle Shawn and Aunt Nicki

Taking a nap with Aunt Hannah

Opa, Aunt Rachel and Wyatt

Great Grandma, Harabeogi (Korean for Grandpa), and Wyatt

Aunt Emma and Wyatt

He is so cute when he sleeps

He likes to sleep with his hands near his head

I love this little outfit. He was so cute in it. Of course now it doesn't fit cause he is grown soooooo much.

My Broncos Fans. Aren't they cute?


My favorite picture ever
I love my little guy
What great pictures! He is so cute :)